Looking for advice?


Ensure Compliance
with DPO Services for Schools & Multi academy trusts

Are you a school and looking to recruit a Data Protection Officer or Manager to support your data protection compliance, but do not have the resources to employ a full-time employee? We understand schools do not have the time, nor resource capability to compete with the demands imposed on them by the legislation. That’s where we come in. We offer outsourcing services to act as your DPO or provide an interim solution on a permanent or temporary basis, taking a risk management cost effective approach. 

Our data protection officer service for schools can provide a more sustainable long-term solution to your problems, so that you may continue to provide pupils with a high standard of education. We can be on stand-by, offering our legal advice to support your in-house data protection needs. 

Our team of experienced DPOs will work closely with you to understand your requirements, ensuring compliance with EU GDPR, UK GDPR, Data Protection Act, PECR, and other relevant regulations. Our services start from as little as £500 per month. 

Outsourced or Interim Data Protection Officer Project

Bristol Airport approached DPAS several years ago, looking for data protection officer outsourced support.

They wanted advice of projects across the airport, and support assiting the in-house team in responding to complex enquiries. DPAS has been providing DPO services since, providing support remotely, to ensure the airport maintains its consistent compliance.


bristol airport have worked closely with dpas for serveral years

They have been instrumental in providing services helping us to deliver transformative projects across our airport, legal support, with an ethical and pragmatic twist.




Hiring a full-time employee, with the correct subject matter expertise can be costly, especially for schools that may not have the resources to support a full-time staff member. By outsourcing your compliance needs, it can result in significant cost savings for your school, as you will only pay for what you need.

Data protection regulations are constantly changing and evolving. When you engage with our services, you can rely on the expertise of your service provider to stay up to date on the latest regulations and ensure that your organisation is compliant. In turn reducing the liability imposed on your school to comply.  

When you outsource our services, you gain access to a team of expert data protection consultants who have specialised knowledge and experience in data protection. This can help ensure that your school is complying with all relevant data protection regulations and best practices, and aid in developing staff internally.

Outsourcing our services will strengthen your schools skills set, providing you with the tools needed to tackle the law. This will also allow you to focus on your core business activities, whilst leaving the management of data protection to the experts. This can help improve overall efficiency and productivity within your organisation. 

Outsourcing your service requirements provides you with greater flexibility to scale up, or down, as needed. You can adjust the level of support you receive based on your school’s needs, which can be especially valuable over the busy and quiet periods of the academic year. 

By outsourcing our services, you will be able to ensure that there is no conflict of interest, so as to ensure the competing interests of staff and pupils do not disrupt the service delivery of education. We can help you ensure that the rights of data subjects are balanced, handled in an independent, and diplomatic manner.

What's Included?

Independent Data Protection Officer advice, and full support of a privacy team.

    • Data privacy telephone line for advice and support.
    • Data privacy ticketing system for advice and support, providing a full audit trail of legal advice.

24/7 on call service to manage data breach incidents. The DPO and their team will provide support to the organisation and report the breach to the ICO when necessary.  

Represent the organisation as the 1st point of contact with the ICO. This will include managing response to consultations, compliance, correspondence, audits, and breach notifications. We will also follow up on any compliance notices.

Assistance when negotiating contracts with suppliers regarding the transfer of data, where required.

Advice on International Data Transfers.

Reviewing and updating your Data Protection and Information Security Policies.

Data Protection Officer assurance, risk analysis, and assistance in the completion of Data Protection Impact Assessments. 

Monthly updates on ICO guidance. Bi-weekly data protection bulletins.

Support with Individual Rights Requests and Data Subject Access Requests.

Access via our online portal to a full suite of free templates, tools, policies, and more.

Attendance at Senior Leadership Meetings, Board meetings, or Audit and Assurance Committees when required.

Report on data protection compliance when required.

Meet Our Team Of DPO's & CONSULTANTS

Nigel Gooding

Chief Data Protection Officer

Natalie Bennett

Head of Data Protection Consultancy

kristal rocks


Lauren Durham-Hutchins


Gary O'Reilly

Legal Counsel Consultant

teresa gudge


WE WORK WITH FTSE 100s Multi-National Organisations Schools Universities Councils Local Governments Agencies NHS Trusts GP Practices Retailers Charities Multi-Academy Trusts Housing Associations Ambulance Services Insurance Companies Sporting Associations Airports Retail Companies Hospitality Businesses




Easy to understand data privacy and information security services that are always accessable, consistenty pragmatic and continually exceeding expectations.

Keeping up to date with changes in data protection regulations, and best practices, can often be challenging for schools. By outsourcing to an expert consultancy like us, schools can access data protection professionals and lawyers who stay current with the latest developments, case law, and have the subject matter expertise to support your school. 

By outsourcing our services to meet your needs, you can tailor your approach to suit your requirements and negate the need to employ a full-time member of staff. We have the capacity to help you tackle your changing requirements, to ensure you only pay for what you need, whilst still meeting legislative requirements

Our experts are highly experienced in the field of data protection, having delivered a number of data protection and information security projects to a number of schools. We understand that each school will have a varying level of resources available to them, so we can tailor our services to meet your specific budget requirements. 

Our work consistently meets and exceeds our clients’ expectations. When using our services, you can take comfort in knowing that we have years of experience in dealing with schools, and publicly owned organisations.

We can help you identify any threats or perceived high-risk areas within your school, helping you take the steps needed to address compliance, reducing the risk of reputational damage and compliance fines. With our up-to-date knowledge on current issues facing data protection and information security we can take proactive measures to safeguard your data. 

By outsourcing our services, you can be assured that your school’s needs, and staff and pupil safety is being tackled by our experts.